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Infrared Cleansing Technology

Using the Far Infrared Sauna

What benefits come with infrared heat?


Infrared heat has the ability to penetrate human tissue which in turn produces a multitude of anti-aging and cardiovascular health benefits The benefits of infrared are numerous and significant and research shows the longer you remain surrounded in infrared the better and more lasting the effects are.




Our bodies are exposed to toxic substances every day. There is evidence that through a nutrition regiment, and by slowly raising the body’s core temperature, we can more effectively detox the body using its own natural filters. The body uses 7 detoxification pathways and, with sauna and herbal therapy, we believe we can assist them all. 

Paired with Zerona


With an increase in the temperature of the body and a resultant increase in the metabolic rate, this process nourishes and speeds the normal metabolic process and brings about an increase in caloric burn. The result is a healthier weight many people. 

How do I book?


For questions, more information, and scheduling appointments, please call (973) 744-1155 or visit our contact page to submit a form. 

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